Project details

Project: Technologies for the cost-effective Flood Protection of the Built Environment
Project website:
Program: FP7
Agency: EU
Start: 01-04-09
End: 01-04-13
CIPRNet partners: Deltares

The principal aim of FloodProBE is to provide cost-effective means for flood effect of uncertainty on objectives
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reduction in urban areas. To this end, FloodProBE will develop technologies, methods, concepts and tools for assessment purposes and for the adaptation of new and existing buildings and infrastructure.

The objectives and principal aims are:

  1. To improve methods for assessing the intrinsic properties of something resulting in susceptibility to a risk source that can lead to an event with a consequence
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    to flooding of the urban environment, especially by extending conventional methods with the ability to assess indirect impacts of damage to networks and assets with a high value density.

  2. To improve the understanding and assessment of urban flood defence performance in order to develop suitable protection measures and to increase the cost-effectiveness of future investments.

  3. To develop and test construction technologies and concepts to improve the performance of existing and new flood defences and for flood-proofing of the urban environment.

  4. To integrate the knowledge developed in the project on assessment of intrinsic properties of something resulting in susceptibility to a risk source that can lead to an event with a consequence
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    of urban areas and flood defences as well as the newly developed construction technologies and concepts to support holistic flood effect of uncertainty on objectives
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    management strategies.

  5. To contribute to guidance in flood effect of uncertainty on objectives
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    assessment and flood management practice in the urban context and thereby support implementation of the EU Flood Directive.
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